Friday 23 November 2007

Where is the cone of silence?

Going to work on the bus would be so much more enjoyable if each and every seat was fitted with a cone of silence.

It only took one stop from home this morning before my entire trip was ruined by two "old friends" meeting up and sitting behind me and chatting all the way in. I heard all about how one was 3 months pregnant, the work problems of the other, how a couple they know has divorced after 5 months, how her mother can't drive, what her father is doing now that he is retired...I could go on and on, but I'm afraid my brain fell out halfway into town in protest at being fed such a high intake of drivel, and it has refused to work in the normal fashion since.

The best bit was listening to one of them talking about taking redundancy from that amazingly fast moving and customer facing organisation called RailCorp. She spent 20 minutes explaining to her friend why she was hanging around - essentially she was waiting for redundancy, and wouldn't leave until she got it.

Well, shucks. If you hate the place that much, why don't you just do us all a favour and bugger off now? She had this whinging, whining voice and I just bet that she was the type that sat around for 7.5 hours per day complaining about how busy she was and how underappreciated she was and how much she had to do blah blah blah - whilst actually getting nothing done and actually interfering with those that are trying to do something useful and productive.

Redundancy - hell! Find them and fire them. Useless bunch of public tit-sucking bastards.

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