Sunday 23 September 2007


Had a bit of a slow week on the bike - only managed to get up to 90km in total. The weather was nasty for most of the week - wind and just enough rain to be annoying, so I didn't get out much.

I did go for a spin this morning though. The weather was deceptive. I had all my cold weather gear on, and when I was in the shade, it was cold. Not freezing, but not warm enough for me to take any layers off.

Then I stopped, and suddenly I was sweating like a pig. Weird.

I made the mistake of latching onto two other blokes at the bottom of our street. They'd been riding for some time, and were warmed up, so they were moving. I was not warmed up, but decided to stay on their tails. The legs are really feeling it now - they have been punished by being forced to climb hills too quickly too early in the ride.

I like riding with other people from time to time, but the buggers always seem to be too fast or too slow. I have not found anyone yet that is happy to ride at my pace.

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