Friday 24 August 2007

The black toe

I did get a case of black toenail at the snow again this year. I used to get two black toenails, which would then fall off (or get stuck on something and ripped off) about two months later. I now get one, and it is nowhere near as black as it used to get.

Only my left toe is black, and it's because I am leaning back on that side - I can feel my toe being jammed against the top of my boot, and after a while, it gets pounded black. I seem to be fine on the right.

I have resolved to get lessons every day next year to resolve this fault. I hate spending a few months being paranoid about rolling over in bed in case my toenail catches on the sheet and rips off in the middle of the night. It's even worse if it gets caught in the middle of nookie. Trust me - you don't want to go there.

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