Tuesday 17 July 2007

Shopping in town

When I worked in town, one thing that I could not stand was to go shopping in town. I worked there. When I finished work, I wanted to go home. I wanted to get my lunch over and done with as soon as possible so that I could get back to work, and thus leave and go home at a reasonable hour.

Now that I am no longer working in the city, shopping there is suddenly something of interest. I need some new business shirts, so I spent a pleasant hour this morning perusing a variety of suit shops and checking out their shirts.

I have not had to buy business shirts for a few years (thanks to the new work slacker dress code), so I am quite out of touch with the latest fashion in shirts. I found that although I like a few shirts, I could not bring myself to buy them. I just wasn't comfortable with the collars, the cut or the colours. I am going to need to spend some more time in shopping malls looking at shirts in order to regain that comfort factor.

Funny how the brain works when it comes to buying something as simple as a shirt. I need to be "in the groove" in order to purchase one.

One thing that really ticked me off today was the stupid cut of the collars. I like a nice, normal, old fashioned collar. Half the shirts that I looked at had the collar cut away radically. Now I know that fashions change from year to year and all that, but I just want my business shirts to stay the same. I'd be completely happy with a wardrobe of 20 white shirts, all identical, so long as they fitted well and were comfortable and didn't have stupid pleats and creases and double buttons at the neck.

I get the feeling I might have to buy some tailor made shirts......

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