Sunday 22 July 2007

Harry Potter frenzy?

What frenzy? We went down to Kmart at about 6pm last night and bought a copy of the latest book. It was easy to find - it was stacked 20 high just inside the front door, and the stack was about the size of a Mini.

I almost tripped over it of course. Stupid place to leave a pile of books.

There was hardly anyone in the store, so we breezed through the checkouts as well. All up, it took 10 minutes to buy the book, and 8 minutes of that was spent in the kitchenware section choosing which set of tongs to purchase.

We then left the store, and I didn't bump into any Potter-maniacs walking around with their heads in the book and not watching where they are going.

I even managed to read a few chapters of it last night before going to bed as the rest of the household happily shared the book.

I presume they still sold a squillion copies on opening day anyway. It's just that the sales frenzy was nowhere near me. Then again, I did buy it at Broadway, which is very much a University type mall, and Uni students probably think that it would be very uncool these days to be seen as a Potter-maniac. Kind of like being into Dungeons and Dragons.

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