Saturday 7 July 2007

Fish oil

Egads, I think I am going to have to start taking fish oil tablets. I had them as a kid, and I can't think of anything worse to have.

I started getting really bad pain in my knee joints a bit over a month ago. I suffered through it for a few weeks, then I started thinking about diet. I was no longer eating sushi for lunch 4 to 5 times a week - I was missing my raw fish.

So I went and ate sushi three days in a row. A week later, the pain had almost gone.

I have a choice - find a good Japanese place that does cheap sushi, and have it every second day, or start on the tablets. Personally, I prefer the sushi method, but the Jap place near here just isn't up to scratch, and the nearest alternative is Balmain. I don't think I want to be going to Balmain every second day for sushi for lunch.


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