Sunday 17 June 2007


I try to watch 'Numbers' each week. I don't know why, but I find it to be a completely fascinating show. I must be turning into a maths nerd in my old age.

The episode last week featured a bunch of well armed bible bashing nut jobs having a shoot out with the feds. One of the nutters was armed with an M-16, and you saw him blazing away with it a few times.

There are a few things about these types of scenes that always annoy the hell out of me.

To start with, you never see any brass going anywhere. Shooting an M-16 on full auto inside a house is going to result in hot brass spraying all over the place. Shells should be all over the floor.

Shooting any automatic weapon on full auto inside a house is a very noisy experience, particularly without ear protection. Yet the actors always seem to be able to carry on a conversation without having to yell, and none of them are suffering from any temporary deafness.

The nutjobs were holed up inside a trailer home, which has walls made out of stuff that is barely thicker than cardboard. The feds were shooting back, yet no holes were appearing in the house. The nutjobs were standing at windows shooting out through broken panes - surely the feds could have shot through the walls with a pea shooter and taken them out?

Then there was the all time clanger. In one scene you see a nutjob at a window with an M-16. The scene cuts away, then cuts back to him - and his weapon has no magazine, yet he is still poking it out the window looking like he is ready to fire. It cuts back and forth a few times and he is still without magazine, until the final scene where one appears.

Shows a typically low level of experience with weapons.

I doubt he was changing magazines, since that is something that seems to happen pretty rarely as well.

Apart from that, I enjoyed the show.

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